
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020

Summer Plans

 I really hope to go somewhere for this summer so I can relax a little, the pandemic situation and not being able to see my family and friends like I used to do it before has me exhausted an very sad 😣 I was thinking to visit my cousins, who live in Chillán but the spread of the virus in the south is extremely high and I don't see that the situation can be better soon, so if that doesn't change in February I probably won't go. My other option is go to the beach for a few days with my friends, we did that last year and had so much fun!! Obviously, now the circumstances aren't the same and we can't go to parties or stuff like that, but I enjoy the time that I spend with them, they always cheer me up and we laugh a lot. To be honest I don't have any specific activities planned for the summer, but definitely studying is not part od them hahaha I just hope that I don't have to take exams in March so this way I can disconnect me from the university during my vaca