
Summer Plans

 I really hope to go somewhere for this summer so I can relax a little, the pandemic situation and not being able to see my family and friends like I used to do it before has me exhausted an very sad 😣 I was thinking to visit my cousins, who live in Chillán but the spread of the virus in the south is extremely high and I don't see that the situation can be better soon, so if that doesn't change in February I probably won't go. My other option is go to the beach for a few days with my friends, we did that last year and had so much fun!! Obviously, now the circumstances aren't the same and we can't go to parties or stuff like that, but I enjoy the time that I spend with them, they always cheer me up and we laugh a lot. To be honest I don't have any specific activities planned for the summer, but definitely studying is not part od them hahaha I just hope that I don't have to take exams in March so this way I can disconnect me from the university during my vaca

My favorite serie

I really enjoy to spend my time watching series, it's my favorite hobby. But I think that my favorite serie is "Orphan Black" This serie is about an orphan woman who, after seeing the suicide of another woman completely identical to her, starts to investigate about her life (pretending to be her) and then she realized that there are many women who are identical to her. Every chapter in this serie is very interesting and really blows your mind. I think it is one of my favorite series because I enjoyed all the chapters and I feel that they didn't put any filler chapters in any of  their five seasons as is usual to see in most of the series. And also the work of Tatiana Maslany (the main actress) is so amazing that everyone should watch this serie just to see it. I like to watch different kinds of series, especially the dramatic ones. The serie that I'm currently watching is Grey's Anatomy, I know it has like a thousand seasons, I just can't stop watching it

My future job

 First of all, I would like to say that I'm a very indecisive person, so start studying chemistry and pharmacy was a big decision for me because I wasn't sure if this was something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but every day I'm more convinced that I really like this career. Well, I think that start to talk about what specialty I want to continue studying is too soon for me since I'm in my fisrt year at the university, but the clinical pharmacy is very interesting to me, so it's my stronger option. In a few more years when I finish my studies at the university, I would like to do a post grade in another country, there are many things to learn besides chemistry, like a new language, culture of the country, etc. I don't think that the salary is very relevant to me, but to do a post grade in another country I need the money so, my plan is start working here to raise enough money to do it. To be honest, imagine my job in a clinical pharmacy is very ex

My favorite movie

  My favorite movie is called "Instructions Not Included", it's a dramatic comedy about a man called Valentin who has a comfortable life in Acapulco, until a woman comes to give him a little girl who is just a few months old, Valenti's daughter, then the woman leave him in charge of the baby and goes back to her county. After that Valentin tries to return his child, so he travel to Los Angeles with a serie of funny incidents. Well, I don't want to make spoilers to anyone who hasn't seen this movie, I just have to say that I cried a lot watching it, maybe I'm just an emotional person, I don't know lol. But I love watch movies that leave me crying, that's one of the reasons because I love this film. And to finish this post, I would like to talk a little bit about the last movie I saw. This was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", I saw it with my little brother because I think that it's a classic that all kids should watch. I totally re

The Best Holidays

 My best holiday was in the year 2015. In January I traveled by car with my parents to Villarica and we stayed to sleep there, but we had to sleep in a gas station because we arrived really early and couldn't found a place to stay 😅 it was very uncomfortable but I didn't care because the next day we crossed the frontier to Argentina. There we went to Bariloche and stay there for two days, it was beautiful to see the roads full of vegetation, we ate a lot of chocolate there and bring some back to Chile with us. After that, we continue our road trip to Mar del Plata, I think that I fall in love with this city, the people there was so nice and the beaches there are so wonderful that I really love the city. Then we went to Buenos Aires to visit the obelisco, the pink house and to the stadium "la bombonera" I really enjoyed this vacations, I had the chance to visit beautiful places and eat a lot of good food too (one of my favorite parts hahaha)

A country I'd like to visit

  Choose just one country to visit is very difficult to me, since I like to travel a lot and I would like to visit as many countries as I can. But, if I have to choose only one in this moment, I would definitely travel to Colombia. I really like this country because it has really beautiful landscapes, I love how colorful are the cities and how cheerful the people is there, they seem to be always partying! In there I would like to visit especially Medallin, Cartagena de Indias and Bogotá, try all the typical foods, dive in the Pacific Ocean to see the beautiful fishes and the scary sharks there. I don't think that I like to study or work in Colombia, but I would definitely stay there for a few months, I think that I would be so in love with the country that I like to stay there forever, but probably after some time I start to miss my family and friends, so I don't think that I would stay there for a long time.